First time in the snow!
He was so mad not about the snow but about having on so many clothes. He started crying before we even got outside! We stayed out just long enough to get these photos!
Garrett is trying to walk yesterday he took two steps from the Coffee table to the couch. He has tried again but falls. His top two teeth are in they look really cute. My favorite thing he is doing is when I sing "patty cake" he does all the motions on his own following what I am singing it is sooo cute he pats then rolls his hands then throws them up in the air!
My Poor Sick Baby
Kisses for the baby!
9 Month Check Up
Garrett had his 9 month Check up today it went pretty smoothly other than the poo explosion he had on his way to the appointment. DUMB PRUNES! Here are his stats
Height: 30 inches- 90th %
Weight: 22lbs 13oz- 75th %
Head: 46 1/4cm- 75th %
He also had a flu shot I wasn't planning on him getting because I didn't order it ahead of time like the asked me to. When his Pediatrician mentioned they had ordered extras of the Thimerosal free flu shot I decided to get it. I have been so freaked out about shots with the Mercury based preservative Thimerosal so It eased my mind having the shot without it. He also slept right through the shot.
Garrett has started eating real people food just broken up really small. He loves string cheese and cheerios. Last week he started standing unassisted and not holding on to anything for about 5 seconds it lasted until he tried to take a step and lost his balance. He is so fast with his monkey crawling- by monkey crawling I mean on all fours with his bum up in the air. It is so funny watching him. He is also mimicking words we say in addition to the few he knows and understands what they mean. He is growing up sooooo fast.
Halloween Fun
Stealing Momma's water
Tour Our Home
Garrett Crawling
Garrett Loves GusGus
Here is a video of Garrett playing with GusGus he also says Hi a couple times that's his new thing.
Errrrr, I would put tons more videos up but blogger takes forever to download the videos from my camera. This one took an hour so I really hope you enjoy it!
He looks more like me!!!
Best Bee Costume Winner!!!
Meeting Family
Some really cute pictures!
6 month Stats
Garrett's six month check up was yesterday a couple weeks late but here are his stats.
as of 8/23/2007
Height: 28.5" (97%) My tall baby
Weight: 20lbs 8oz (90%)
Head cir: 44.5 cm (75%)
He said he looked good and healthy and was right on track with all of his milestones. Garrett kicked the doctor twice. The doctor thinks he is a funny baby with his little laid back, curious attitude.
Garrett had three shots and has been a little terror since. He napped all of an hour all day yesterday and was screaming all day until our walk in the evening. He then woke me up at 3:30 am and didn't go back to sleep until 5 and then woke back up at 6. The joys of motherhood!
Here is a picture from last night when we went on our walk. The weather was great yesterday it got down to a low of 54* thats why he is wearing fleece and the hat my Aunt Kathy made him.
6 1/2 month update
It is so exciting he can now say Mamma and Dadda It seams over this past week Garrett's smarts have doubled. He went from babbling pure nonsense to trying to say words. He loves books I picked him up a Vsmile nursery rhyme book he loves it. He is also clapping to music not just to "patty cake" he will also clap if you say "yeah for Garrett" Its adorable. He can switch from a sitting up position and be on his belly trying to crawl in a couple seconds he gets frustrated that he cant yet go where he wants other than scooting around in circles. Last but not least he can use a sippy cup we got an Advent and he drinks from it like a pro!
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