
10 week weigh in

It's almost 11 weeks But I took these measurements a couple days ago. His weight is 17lbs and he is 24 1/2 inches long. He is a chunka! Everything is going okay right now my Brother and his Family have reserved plane tickets for the weekend of May 18th. That's exciting Garrett will get to meet his Cousin Faith for the first time. It is getting closer to the walk that Garrett and I will be doing on May 19th to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis. If you would like to make donations you still can at https://www.cff.org/great_strides/GenericDonation/?i_appeal=CODNGS0107&i_donor=CFFORG171628Bur&i_unit=22 just copy and paste. We are only at %10 of our goal , it's for an excellent cause and it's tax deductible.


Week 10

Week 10 has been pretty much the same other than Garrett is staying awake more of the day wanting to be held. I’m getting less done around the house. He is doing better in the car we no longer have to get him asleep to get him in the car seat. He is getting so big over 14lbs. We were at Miah’s old bosses house for dinner with a few non-members and the missionaries yesterday after church. He and his wife had a baby November 6th Garrett is taller and weights more than him It was pretty funny. I got really excited when I saw all the stuff he was doing at almost 6 months he was grabbing an pulling toy’s to make them play music and putting his own pacifier in his mouth, sitting on the couch. Way cute I can’t wait.