Christmas 2008
Christmas this year was so fun Garrett had a blast!!! After he opened Elmo and Wall-e he just wanted to play in the tree house with them we had a hard time getting him to focus on opening the rest of his gifts. Our play room is over flowing on to the stairs and living room. Graham had no idea what was going on he kept entertained by crinkling wrapping paper. I would have taken more photos but I had to feed Graham so I posted what I took.
while I was showering.....
Santa and the gang
4 month check up
15 weeks
Graham's First Real Laugh
Today at 3 months 1 week and 4 days old Graham did his first "real" laugh it was adorable! He has been doing these wheezy laughs for a month and smiling but all of a sudden he just started cracking up I can't wait to get it on film.
Garrett is sick
with a cold poor guy he is congested, snotty and not fun to deal with. He has been sick about once a month since August. My guess is he is picking stuff up in nursery. We have been to one play date since the baby was born and stopped going to story time when Graham was a month old because it's just too much work getting out. I'm afraid to keep him in nursery now with it being RSV season I really don't want him to get sick anymore or him to get the baby sick.
Garrett Being Silly
I think he was just being silly because he never did go poo. He also didn't eat just cake for dinner he had some Chicken Parmesan, noodles and some veggies.
Ravioli Soup
This recipe is from "Dinner is Ready" A complete Guide to Freezing 30 meals in just one day.
1/2 lb ground beef
1/2 lb ground pork- I use Italian sausage
1 cup chopped onion
2 tsp minced garlic
1 (28-ounce) can Italian tomatoes
1 (12-ounce) can tomato paste
2 (14.5-ounce) cans beef broth
1 Tbs sugar
1 tsp Italian seasoning
1/4 cup dry bread crumbs
1/2 cup shredded fresh Parmesan cheese
1 (12-ounce) package frozen ravioli
Brown beef and pork with onion and garlic. Combine tomatoes, tomato paste, beef broth, sugar, Italian seasoning and dry bread crumbs, Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 30 minutes. Stir in Parmesan cheese. Allow to cool. Place in freezer bag or container. Freeze ravioli separately. Label and freeze. 8 servings.
To Serve: Thaw. Cook ravioli according to package directions. Heat soup just to a boil. Add cooked ravioli. Serve with garlic bread and Parmesan cheese.
Freezer meal mess!
Yesterday, I made ravioli soup enough to serve 48 people and it wasn't easy! I am in a freezer meals trading group this months theme is soup that's why I was making so much. Browning 6 lbs of Italian sausage and hamburger with 6 cups of onion and 6tsp of fresh garlic was a hassle all by its self. The real mess didn't come until the soup was done and cooled and I was putting it in freezer bags. I wanted them all to have the same amount so I was pouring it in a bag and setting it off to the side without zip locking the top so I could add some later if I needed to. The first 4 bags filled nicely then I filled the 5th and propped it up how I'd done the others and started on the 6th. I'd gotten a cup full in the 6th when I felt soup splatting all over me and my wood floors. To make matters worse here in CO they put the air shaft vents on the ground and wouldn't you know that just happened to be where most of the soup went. It took me a half hour to clean all the soup out of the air shaft and mop up my giant mess. I do have to say that the soup is very tasty and now there is only soup to feed 40.
Graham's Two Month Check up
Today we headed over to the Pediatricians office for Grahams two month check up he is 24" (70%) long he weights 13p 6oz (70%) and his head is 42.5cm (90%). Does his big head mean he is going to be super smart? Our Pediatrician is going to contact a specialist to see if we need get Grahams umbilical hernia looked at it's measuring 3cm in width and height they don't like to see them past 2cm. Graham got two shots one was a 3-in-1 and Garrett got his thermasol free flu shot. Garrett was a tough little guy he kinda fussed for a second when she pricked him but he didn't even cry. We stopped at walgreens on the way home and when I got back to the Car Garrett had a bottle of water and was calling it agua. My baby is going to be bilingual and know sign language I wont understand him.
Halloween CostumeTest Run
"Good Boy"
Here is Garrett calling Graham a "Good boy" when I ask him what brothers name is. I also love how Gus is sitting in the background like a person!
7 Weeks Old
Graham was 7 weeks old Sunday Its hard for me to believe he will be two months old next week. He still isn't doing much mostly sleeping, eating and pooping. He has started to smile when you smile at him or when I make funny noises and he can hold his head up pretty good. Garrett isn't adjusting to little brother he is getting more and more jealous now that Graham is awake more and wanting to be held. Garrett's nights are progressively getting worse the past two have been terrible he wakes up screaming and wont stop crying he also acts terrified to go to bed when its dark in the house his Night light isn't enough light for him. We don't know what to do It breaks my heart to see him really sad and scared like that I know he isn't doing it to get what he wants our pediatrician mentioned the possibility of it being night terrors. The only way he will sleep is if Miah sleeps next to him so he will put him down then come to bed and about the time Graham is waking up for his middle of the night feeding Garrett starts crying so Miah moves back in with him so he can get some sleep while Graham is awake and crying. I pray this all ends soon I am moving Graham next month to his crib and I don't want Garrett waking him up.
Read this before you Judge others!
"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
-- Mother Teresa
"Judge not, that ye be not judged."
--The Bible, New Testament, Matthew chapter 7, verse 1
“Remember that I’m Human. Before you judge me or decide how you’ll deal with me, walk awhile in my shoes. If you do, I think you’ll find with more understanding we can meet in the middle and walk the rest of the way together.”
-- Eric Harvey and Steve Ventura: Walk Awhile in My Shoes
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."
-- Wayne Dyer (Psychotherapist, Author and Speaker)
"You can't depend on your judgment when your imagination is out of focus."
-- Mark Twain
Our Trip to AZ
Went to the Doctor
Sure enough Graham has an umbilical hernia he isn't concerned he said most likely it will be mostly gone by age 1. Graham is a few days shy of one month and he weights 10lbs 14oz.
Graham may have an umbilical hernia

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