
My Boys

I feel so thankful for these two guys! I took these pictures of them this morning before church they looked so handsome in their matching outfits. Miah always gives me a hard time for making them match but they are just too cute and I can only get away with it for a little bit.


Update on baby #3

Results from the Ultra Sound weren't good the baby was measuring 6w3d with no heart beat and the sac was measuring 7w2d my OB thinks it was probably a Chromosome abnormality that stopped the babies progress sometime in the 6th week. I know there is no way I am that far behind as I got a positive pregnancy test at exactly 4 weeks pregnant and saw the babies empty sac at 6w. I will have one last ultrasound next Tuesday before scheduling a D&C I just need to be 100% sure. I am super sad but I have faith that this babies spirit is in loving arms! Thank you everyone for your support and prayers at this difficult time!


Test Results

My test results are in and my hcg is at 74,529 progesterone 17.9 both are good and well within the normal range. I am really hoping I am just not as far along as I think and my OB was so wrong and screwed up the US. We have another formal ultrasound with the nice big machien Tuesday at 11:45am keep us in your prayers!


Our Angel Baby

It looks like our third baby is an angel baby. He/She stopped growing two weeks ago and has no heartbeat. My heart is breaking I wish I had answers and closure right now we are stuck in limbo waiting for test results and for the doctor to tell me what happens next.


Merry Christmas

I tried taking some Christmas pics of the boys but It wasn't working Graham and I are both sick so I got tired and gave up. Here is what I got we will try again on Sunday.

Decorating the Tree

Here are my boys decorating the tree as you can see Garrett wouldn't wear pants and Graham got side tracked with Gus.

Historic downtown in Flagstaff, AZ

Garrett loves trains so this is where we stopped to stretch.


Cute things toddlers say....

Yesterday Garrett was looking through "Your pregnancy week by week" at the pictures of the babies hes been doing this a lot lately. Well he has a good memory becuase he opened up to 9 weeks picture and said "look mommy that's the baby in your tummy" and I said yep that's what the baby looks like. He then said "I need to hold it" When I told him he could hold the baby in 7 months his response "ooooo, but I will put it back when I'm done".