Greyson is 48 hours old he is such a good baby. He nurses like a champ, hardly cries and sleeps most of the time.
Happy Birthday Greyson Chesley Burke
Greyson was born 12 days early on 12-21. He weighs 9lbs2oz, he is 21.5 inches long and has a head circumference of 15.25cm. I am so blessed to be a mommy to my 3 sweet boys :)
Two weeks to go!
I'm having this baby sometime in the next two weeks, yay! Greyson's eviction date is still set for Dec 28th. Today at my check up I am 3 1/2cm dilated and 50% effaced having lots of pressure and am very uncomfortable. My dr guessed Greyson is around 7 1/2 lbs and if I make it to my induction she guesses he will be 8 1/2 lbs. I'm wishing a gigantic freak snow storm would hit and the drop in pressure would send me into labor now. I'm so ready to be done being pregnant and can't wait to hold my little guy. We are all packed and ready to go and the house is clean and organized. School is out for winter break on Friday so one more school pick up then I can be lazy and stay in my pj's all next week. I think that's about all I have to update about. I can't wait to post some cute baby pictures.
It's begining to look a lot like....
Christmas. The tree, stockings and decorations are up and the gifts are wrapped. I uploaded a picture of the stockings I made for all of us. We had felt stockings growing up and I loved them so I decided to make them for my family. This is the first year we have had a fake tree. I wasn't about to have a repeat of the allergies Graham and I had last year. This is also the first year we are having visitors for Christmas. Auntie Jeffra and Uncle Karl are coming to visit which we are super excited about!
35 weeks
We are so excited tomorrow is the end of week 35 which means only 4 weeks and a couple days until Greyson is here. We have his room all set up, the clothes are washed and we are packed for the hospital. The boys picked out his coming home out fit and are super excited to meet their baby brother.
Greyson Chesley Burke