
Garrett 20 weeks

Garrett is 20 weeks almost 21 he is growing up so fast! I don't have an exact weight but he is around 20lbs wearing a size 9 months and some 12months and a size 4 diaper. He can understand words like doggy, GusGus, milk, Mommy, poop yeah that too. He is rolling over like crazy from back to tummy so he can watch the dogs he loves GusGus. He can sit up unassisted for about 15 mins at a time. My favorite is when he puts his arms up when he wants up and I love his sloppy wet kisses! We are so excited for our upcoming vacation to NH on Saturday. Garrett will get to meet his uncles and see his Gram-e and Gramp-e Burke o and we cant forget his Auntie Jeffra. There will be a few other family members he will meet too. I will post lots of pictures in a couple weeks!

This is a hat not a shirt

Gus always trying to sneak in a picture!


yucky kisses

Garrett loves GusGus! Not that much!